It is better to be unfaithful than to be faithful without wanting to be.


in·fi·del·i·ty [ ìnfi déllətee ]   Audio player
  1. unfaithfulness: unfaithfulness or disloyalty, especially to a sexual partner
  2. unfaithful act: an act of unfaithfulness or disloyalty, especially to a sexual partner
  3. disbelief: absence of religious belief
Synonyms: unfaithfulness, faithlessness, disloyalty, betrayal, adultery, cheating, perfidy
That is the definition of infedility  as defined in the dictionary . But to some it means something entirely different !!! Infedility according to me .
I truely do believe that there are two types of infedility . Emotional and Physical . Emotional of course being the type where youre lover begins to
fall and have feelings for the other person & of course physical meaning some one who can emotional detach any feeling with whom they are fucking with  :example *yours truly * Over the past few years in many of experiences in my “relationships”  I have come to realize and truely do believe the. re is two types of infedility . I also believe that men and women of course have different views on both of these types of infedility By population i mean the  GLBT community . I for one in terms of infidelity am all for it . Here is my reasoning for it . This might sound arrogant to you but oh well .
I believe that any relationship in order to be truely succesful has to involve infedility .I mean lets face it no marriage after 12 years is totally happy .In every relationship there are times when your in love with them and times when youre just “in love ” .  US STATICS on divorce after marraige is that

The current divorce rate is 4.95% in the United States. The United States has the highest rate of divorce of any country in the world

So if this is the divorce rate , then why not allow open infedility If the wife and husband or husband and husband or wife and wife  were to discuss this issue then I do believe that the statistic would change for us . If you allow youre partner and discuss the terms of the infedility then it would help !!!its a modern day society .  I believe that wife and husband should clearly define terms of there infedility . There should be set rules and regulations to govern the infedility or act . Back to the act  , Emotional  infedility is something im against , I f youre going to mess around you should clearly define what is emotional . to me it is , spending time with the person and getting to know them and falling for them , ie developing any emotional attachment to the person . I feel that is wrong . At the same time the ups of physical infedility outweigh emotional . Usually when both men and cheat its something sexual missing in the relationship . So if ure going to cheat i say cheat , Just make sure its purely physical involvement. There s many benefits to a regular . i say if youre partner hasnt put within more then 3 months then they are responsible for youre cheating ways and you have the right to . Waiting for another person is so overrated, why wait for them . Life is short you can still love someone while doing physical acts with someone else, I believe that every person is entitle self gratification . In the end the choice you make is youre own .


Time is ….


Time is essential in life..

Time is loving yourself.

Time is caring.

Time is happiness.

Time is LOVE.

Time is Life.

Time is stopping to smell the roses and realizing

there is beauty in life and everything around  you .

Time is Slipping away while youre curled up reading

a good book .

Time is to some keeping busy and occupying youre self

with meaningless hobbies they may not satisfy others

but they mean everything to you .

Time is looking around finding beauty in all the lines

colors,symetry that surround you . Such as a sky

an orange ( sound s crazy but take the time to stare

at an orange and youll see theres beauty ) beauty is

defined in many it is with time that we

go through life in a hurry , never stopping to breathe

and look back always looking ahead in life . Ever want to

to sit and do nothing . I wish i could just sit on a roof

top and look up at the sky * USE DTO AS A CHILD *

ALL The time i would sit and wonder where my life

would be in twenty years . Im glad that through

time everything in my life has worked out well….TO

eVERYONE out there who is bogged down overwhelmed

in life . pLEASE STOP !!! take alook around realize

the beauty of life and humanity around you .

TIME IS essential in life it is all WE HAVE IN LIFE

time ………………..


Finally for months and month s night after night i tuned in to watch this Novela ,it finally came to an end . Sad but happy in the end … FOR those of you who dont know what a  novela means its spanish word for SOAP OPERA!!!

Yes, even though im the synical bastard and anti social bastard you ll ever meet …… i ll admit that i am a novela freak !!! i get hooked on em. the , the love story , the glamour , Its a chance for me to let go like the rest of the  into another  universe that i know ill probably never belong, but a boy can keep dreaming thats why i think that millions of americans as well is the hispanic c community get hooked into soaps right!!!!Besides if youre anything like me youll understand me….maybe one day well all have a happy ending for one thing in spanish telenovelas usually always include a happy ending …!!!!’


The plot … behind  my novela ,,, well nothing more of a miracle behind. its about how love can conquer all. El truinfo del amor means “the truinf of love ”  here s a jist of what the novelas was about . It staRRED William Levy * heres an image shot * ladies and boys prepare to drool ; I know . that smile and cheeks !!! hes totally super adorable…. love them cubans !! his role in the novela a fast talking city boy who falls in love with a orphan girl  who happens to be his stepmothnders daughter ,  * they dont fitndout till very end  in the novela   * i know one of those sad sappy love at first sight stories …with AND the leading lady Maite Perronni ;

well what to say about maite , well who can resist her beauty shes a goddess  !!! almost sensual but yet with a softness to her look . her role was that maria desemperada an abandoned orphan , who always searched for long lost mother whom abandoned her thanks to a ” accident” that was provoked by her evil dwelling grandmother. By fait she ends  up walking into her mothers fashion empire . Who then proceeds to make her life a living hell ; and also denounces her and williams love affair .. lots lots and lots of things happened to keep us pinned to our seats night after night  , They had to battle everything , intrigues, lies , hate, and survived it all to in the end up happilly married . Guess that goes to show that if you love someone youll stay with them through thick and thin ,through anything and always love them n0 matter what … guess that really is what TRUE LOVE IS . thats what ill take away from this novela . for now until the next one ;=)