My day at six flags * over Texas *

So my day at six flags was awesome! , uneventful and surprising, otherwise it was awesome! 😉 ok so not a lot of people are lucky enough to have company like the one I work for. I have the joy of working for a spectacular company that treats it’s employees very good. It’s one of the best companies in Texas!. They provide us with yearly employee celebrations at six flags! for us the employees and our closest family . They give us VIP treatment for a day and they keep us happy and fed that day! .

Day started out excellent, beautiful weather sun was shinning it wasn’t excessively hotttttt about 83 or so,( yeah I live in  Texas) so 80s are a blessing in comparison to what I’m sure is going to be a supremely hot Texas summer, I believe least year in 2011 we spent  59 days in constant 90 degree heat, took a toll but  you deal with it 😉

Well I got up and started getting ready for it; * don’t you hate when you have plans and last minute people cancel on ya! yeah ,happened to me, I had told one of friends since about 5 months ago about the date, and what does she do she cancels all because of her boyfriend being in town .  And then my boyfriend cancels on me as well apparently he wasn’t feeling well “usually means “depression mode.

So I had to call last minute one of my other friends whom is very dear to me  we ended up going together with her and her younger sister . It was great though. This is Marian after we did the water rides 😉

. I met up with them picked them up got to the park about noonish headed straight for the food , which was excellent, catered in BBQ from Rudy’s  YUMMY  !!!! It was great getting to hangout with all your co-workers in a non work environment. Meeting there family as well it’s always great to bond with coworkers!

Anywayz other then the long lines at six flags I  had an awesome time though , I only made it to a couple of rides because of the lines but the ones I made it to were definetly worth the wait. The first one we got on was great it’s one of those ride through s where all you see is  Looney Tunes in action this is what look s like ;  sampled from someone else ,

The second ride I got on was the River rapids, It Was awesome, That’s always been one of my favorite rides at six flags. The feeling of being in the inner tube with the rapids pouring water all over you is awesome, It’s awesome this ride is just you and the current tossing and turning you in every which direction. It last about 5 mins total although the wait on this one wasn’t that long about 30 mins in total , but it worth it , heres a preview of what it feels like 😉

The third ride I got on was aquaman ! . with  aquaman the ride you

Make a splash in this out-of-this-world water adventure. Jump in the  boat, soar high in the sky and then take an exhilarating plunge into the drink ! the plunge is great !


The Fourth ride I got on was tony hawk the ride.

Spinning coasters, which use single cars that randomly rotate as they travel along their tracks. Other than the Tony Hawk branding, the two coasters. It ‘s kinda like being on the teacups at Disney world but on a roller coaster ! We waited about 2 hours for this one but it was worth the wait! From the moment you get on you start spinning not knowing which way youre going to turn < makes for a lot of excitement.




But with less then 5 minutes the ride s over and you still spin around as youre waiting to be pulled in.  It’s a different feeling then any other roller coaster.

After that I waited for the Rocket but it had some kind of malfunction and ended up shutting down when we made it to the front. Yeah go figure don’t you hate that after waiting all that time you finally make it to the front and it has a malfunction. It turns out that one of the seats wasn’t locking into place so I was glad they closed it down for our safety. Since the three of us were tired from the day, we decided to go purchase season passes and then go home, the wait home was probably the worst! LOL who looses there car? yup only me, I had to spend about two hours looking for my Julio * yeah that’s my cars name *  I couldn’t for the life of me remember were we had parked the only reason we could find him because of  a picture that I took as I was going into the park .! after a two hour search in the parking lot , and yes it happened just because I had been talking to my amiga while we were getting off . I didn’t take the time to jot down our section and pole number! Taught me a lesson big time! All in all I’m very thankful for the experience it was nice to relax and not have anything to worry about for a day 😉

Then it’s back to reality.  But here s some pictures from six flags = ) hope you enjoy .




