The Beginning of an Addiction, or: My First Adult Bike



Approximately  several years ago when the lance Armstrong scandals came to light I became interested in buying my own adult bike again , I ve always had a secret desire to be a  biker since I can remember its always been something that has interested  me .I just never got around to it .  I remember my summer living abroad in Paris France , My first time seeing  anything to do with the bicycling universe It was the riders  from the tour de France that inspired me many years ago to get into the sport . It was an amazing feeling being able to see all those riders riding along the Champs Elysees  coming in to finish up the tour . It’s a feeling that Ill never forget .  The rush and thrill as they pedal as fast as can be past you is amazing . I wanted to experience that for myself .

So, when the scandal came about I Began to remember and wonder what would become of me if I was to get into the sport .  So I purchased my first bike ,  since college , I hadn’t been on a bike since college in 1998 , im old * .  I ordered a  schwinn mens hybrid bike online with a instore pickup  .. Just simple because I eventually want to do Mountain  biking as well .  I wanted to get into as well , because well im tired of the gym .. I wanted to do more bonding with  nature. And the benefits of it are all good . there is nothing negative about riding a bike .

Its been an experience since day one , It took me about 45 minutes just to get into the car in the first place, I didn’t think of all the logistics of the operation ( usual me ) lol .. but after 45 minutes struggling and my cursing * to get into the car , I finally called one of my bestfriends  and he told me about the “ quick release” mechanism on the bike , life savior , AND yes im that inexperienced when it comes to biking never even knew bikes had that . Let alone , gears .. I found that out in the first ride , will get to that part soon .Everthing that I have learned so far has been through trial and error and because of what I have watched on youtube .  Learning on a trial basis .


So after getting the bike into the car went home , of course I played around with it , Adjusted the seat , and everything maintenance wise . My first ride was at Fisch Creek Linear park in arling , I did a 10 mile bike ride .



During the bike ride I felt awesome!. The wind , being out with nature, IT didn’t feel like I was working out at all . I was really physically enjoying it.  it was 10 miles that took me one hour but it was a great feeling . And the burn I felt after I had been working out for ever and never felt as tired and satisfied as I did with biking …. According to my little application I burned off way more then my usual at the gym . I plan to do a combo of gym and bicycling as a part of my fitness routine from now on.



Lessons learned from first bike ride

1 . if you fall get up and get on again.

2. don’t be afraid of your bike .

3. know your bodys limitations .

4. invest in biking clothing , * schafing sucks * and those gym shorts are like a parachute that slows ya down .

5 . set a riding goal .. I did 10 miles on my first and ive been adding another mile after each bike ride. The beuty of biking is youdont feel it .

I don’t know where things will go from biking but I hope for the best ,  I See Different areas of the sport and those that interest me are Track Racing and Mountain biking , Ive always been a natural competitor , I see several races/marathons  in my future as well . but baby steps as I say . All in due time . For I know itll be a very important part of my life .