19. CLOUD NINE .we all want love but….


So ,thiS is about a “ date” from last night , awkward one , that I had  , don’t know how to feel about it so decided to do what I do best , and write about .

Ok so we all have apps on our telephone for dating, don’t judge me. Still searching for Mr right, well this is the story about “Andrew” and my awkward “ date” , date used loosely .  Andrew is a guy that I have been talking to on and off for a brief week. We had had good conversations over the phone, thought that he could be possibly someone that I might like and might be more with. You know that feeling.

Well anyway s we finally had the opportunity to hangout last night , We met for drinks at applebees at around 1000 pm last night , which was ok I never put pressure on a date or label a date a date , its usually just hanging out to me .  But anyways,  a little about him hes 19, a corrections officer.  I had put him off and never met him just because of the age difference , I Know they say age is just a number, not entirely true. There are differences.  One thing I have noticed is the immaturity levels for example when a couple with a 10 year difference or something like that that  usually after a breakup the oldest one in the relationship always takes longer to move on while the younger one is usually quick and moving on fast to the next one… Im fine where I am at my age, but sometimes younger folks just want to move to fast .And that was exactly the issue with him, I Could see stars in his eyes as he was talking to me , In the back of mind im thinking “hes one of those” I can like a a guy but wont give in unless I know him first. And just becuase i  say i like you dont read to much into it . I  like getting to know the person and not rush in at all into anything . IvE DONE that before and its gotten me nowhere good and it usually ends quick and horribly. AS you cane see by my previous many posts .


Why does everyone have to move into and label everything ? why not just get know to the real person . I wish I could find someone who could devote time to me in this aspect and not expect anything from it . I know we are all searching for love and want love but why not let things happen naturally ?  we may say we don’t but in the end what are we living for ? were humans and as humans we all want to be loved .

Today Ive already felt like a broke his heart  he was texting me the usual . so whatd you think ? feel anything ? I did for you, so he told me .  It scares me when people want something so fast . I finally had to tell him ok we can be friends and get to know each other , but just realize that just because I like you doesn’t mean anything or that it may lead to anything . Then he just totally got pissed and the messages changed in tone , in terms of his responses to me . Oh well who knows what will happen with this one , guess another one bites the dust .

Was I too harsh with him ? or what other thing could I said , Im ready for a relationship , but just don’t want to rush anything and make bad choices again . How do I explain this to people , without sounding like a douche ?