3Am … tip of the iceberg …

Its 3;17 in the morning ..  im here laying in bed .. tossing and turning. Restlessly ..im watching orange is the new black as well .. I can hear my dogs snore grow louder and louder by the minute ..they sound so cute actually.

My pomeranians they both snore heavily .. but besides all this im up… restless unable to go to sleep at all … I feel like I can get easily get on my bike and do my 20 miles. Right about now ..

But im up because im thinking of how the men ive tried talking to are essentially .._________.I ve been placed in the “friendship zone ” 3 times now all within the same week …

They all started the same .. we talk ..we meet …everythings going fine & were all into each other for a while then they start ignoring you literally….Not
answering me or taking, Hours to reply a “yes” or a ” cool” ..   two of them said the “im not over my ex ” speach which simlpy means ..i didnt rock the boat a.k.a. im not cute enough for them…and yet there they are online searching love chat dating sites ….and the other just asked if we could be fuck buddies … im not into that at all…they all could have just said “im not that into you ” & yet here I am knowing that they are fine and well happily asleep …and they don`t care. ..

So to 3 am I raise my glass of merlot I had to pop open for a night like this … and toast to 3am and my wonderful dating life …

Ill try to remain hopeful and optimistic …
Amongst all the madness …

Jist wish this night would end ..