Querido padre


Ya casi ha pasado un año desde que te fuistes ..hay muncho que quisiera decirte ..

Primero que nada espero y estes bien disfrutando de tu nueva vida .Se que eres uno de los angeles que me a quidado de mucho mal..Te extraño mucho y hay mucho en mi corazòn y pecho dentro de mi que te quisiera decir .He pensado mucho en ti y ha veces me pregunto , si hise lo sufficiente .

No hay dia que hayga pasado que no pienso en ti .Cada vez que pienso en es como si fuera ayer ..el sentimiento y el dolor es el mismo .

Mis hermanos piensan que ni pienso en ti pero me acuerdo de ti y todos los dias ..hay algo que me dice que todavia estas entre nososotros mirandonos y cuidandonos.

Me acuerdo cuando mi hermano me dio la noticia de lo que tenias cancer .. El mundo sevme vino abajo .No hubo dia despues de ese instante que no estuvieras en mi pensamiento a todo momento .. pero claro nunca demuestro lo que soy y siento por dentro .Ya sabes como soy.


Se que te hice mal en la vida ..pero se que tu me perdonaste al igual que yo te he perdonado ..Me acuerdo como lloraste como niño cuando fui en mayo y me despide de ti ..hayi en ese instante supe que me amabas hal igual que yo a ti..llore todo el camino .Halgo dentro de mi sabia que seria la ultima vez que te miraria sano …..
Ahora eres quien mas admiro en la vida y quien mas quiero igualar.


Mire como amastes a mi mama ..Es el tipo de amor que yo quiero como el de mis padres , mire como tratabas a la gente como a pesar te admiraba todo mundo .Te precoraban por el tipo de hombre que eras , mire como nos sacastes adelante a mi y a mis hermanos apesar de estar como estabas. Mire como a pesar de todo me aceptaste como lo que era mas que el hijo gay tuyo . Eso es el tipo de hombre. Que quiero ser .Como tu papi.

Siempre fui “el rebelde”..Nunca le dije a nadie me vine a tejas por sentirme fracasado y por
cobarde por no verte sufrir..Un sentimiemto que todavia siento ..La misma razon que no me deja regresar para Kansas..Aun aunque aun estoy bien aqui tengo trabajo y me mantengo solo .Y en fin soy feliz .y ya se que no soy un fracazo.

Y si preguntas porque no he regresado , es porque no quiero entrar y no verte hay sentado en tu silla de ruedas esperando me. Es algo que no se como lo vaya tomar .Se que en fin lo tendre que hacer pero hay aver cuando dios me daralas fuerzas.


En fin papi perdoname si no fui el hijo que esperabas se que todavia tengo muncho que crecer..Te amo y se que nos volveremos a ver otra vez…estoy triste porque ya no estas pero ya era demasiado sufrimiento .se que ahora eres feliz .
I LOVE YOU Daddy donde quiera que estes.

real definition of dumping CLICHES


1. Its not you its me , , means you just weren’t hot enough to rock their boat

2. I need to focus on my career ,, Means they have a new crush at work they are working on .

3. I’m not over my past relationship . .. means your really not their type and they are waiting for the better option still .

4.  I need time to focus on me ,, means you were to clingy and they want to be a whore .

5. We are just not at the same level ,, Means they want someone who has a better job,car, makes more money , aka SUGAR DADDY/MAMA

6.  I’m not ready for something like this right now. Means, You  weren’t at the level of hotness they expected when they saw ya naked .

7. I think we’d be better as friends , means  you suck in bed probably .

8.You should be with someone who can treat you the way you deserve. Means they are selfish and just plain don’t want to make an effort , * This is a nicer way of saying I’m not that into you ”

9 .I don’t deserve you . . . you’re too good for me, means you are probably boring and predictable .  (change it up! )

10. I need space, Mean you were to needy , In other words they couldn’t take your 500 text messages a day anymore.

So if these lines were used on ya , now you know what they really mean ! JAJA 😉

Dear John Doe ” lets play chess?


You, with your switching sides and your walk-by lies and your humiliation You, have pointed out my flaws again as if I don’t already see them. I know  myself well enough..
I’ll walk with my head down trying to block you out ’cause I’ll never impress you .The fact being you are not a good person.  All you will  ever be,in comparison to me is nothing . I’m a lot stronger then most people would dare to think . . Those you underestimate are the ones whom you should be looking out for.

Karma will take care of everything . Here I am again washed up and ranting about the same thing  again there you were with the same old line on the same ” I’m sorry” You painted me a pretty picture that I so ignorantly believed. Maybe because I’m so young and ignorant . Always believing in love and happiness.  Once again thank you to all for proving to me .

Im not sure if this is me or is it you ? Why do most men in general treat dating a like chess game. And I’m the queen your trying to checkmate?  Yet I always fall back in to the game waiting on your next move . I might be young at heart . Don’t men care about the feelings of  another ? or is it just people are insensitive period.

And for the sake of not getting hurt I didn’t let you start a fire because of this reason . Now I am shinning bright without you . I might have cried for a day or two but that’s all you get . To moving on and the dating game that is chess.

john doe being  aka anyone Ive ever dated or ” gotten to know” . Men in my life.


So this subject has been hot in the news here in Texas at least . Due to Texas passing possibly passing a new law that would require establishments to have a designated place for nursing moms to breast feed.

Well heres Lonzy s opinion .

Only talking about this also becuase I was at Applebees and a breastfeeding mom was asked by an employee to go to the bathroom and breastfeed the child . I went to Applebees , then all the sudden next to us a couple of tables down  there was this woman breastfeeding her child; I only noticed because things were getting heated I saw a manager go up to her and ask her to go elsewhere to breast feed. Now I’m not a female of course but I don’t have an issue with this . My only issue with this one was yes the mom wasn’t even covering up like literally just letting the baby grip on to her like nada and no cover over the feeding baby .. That was my issue ,   although I love the female body  and all it’s glory I just didn’t appreciate being able to see the baby actually clamping onto the nipple , and the actual exposed nipple . . Maybe straight guys might have a different opinion ..I don’t have an issue with this breast feeding at all but to all feeding moms . Cover it up .

Yes I agree that we are all adults , and that baby has to eat , But really do all the other children at the establishment need to see  your nipple ? Why I think not .  It’s just a common courtesy . Breast feeding is ok and of course theres nothing wrong with it . Just cover it up and put something like a baby blanket or something on ya . And if you do have a problem with any form of breast feeding then maybe your the one with the issue. Its a natural beautiful thing but their is a proper way of doing things.

If we all thought my way then maybe we might be able to get along 😉

textually active * activate my last nerve.




why is it always that the people that piss you off the most are the people you actually want to talk to like your crush , or that guy your seeing .


OK so I never initiate this kinda of text but a couple of days go I’m like

<hey guy wanna do some Skype.

and yes my text was ignored, NOT cool … I didn’t get aresponse for another 2 freaking . days .. and all he was was like .Oh i was I was tired  and im thinking in the back of my head  <what , three finger punches dude NO(SEND) would’ve  been all I needed and been fine with it .  And well It just means this moron had better options and I’m nobodys option b..I’m either your option A or we no option at all .

2nd pet peeve , FB FRIENDS… you see them update their status and there all like  “WATCHING ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK ON NETFLIX , OMG LOVE THIS SHOW”  you message them on their phone  (because your friends and your cool like that )  unlike their other 80 billion Facebook friends.  and then 3 hours go buy and absolutely nothing .. not a response at all .  I’m like really ,, doesn’t take that long of a courtesy to say ,, something like busy , brb.. or respond;; cant talk right now brb … BRB something short in response would be nice instead of leaving me hanging . With no response at all .. and then i’m left sitting at home all pissed and like ” I hate orange is the new black ” night ruined; that’d be FACEBOOK status update after something like that . LOL


3rd pet peeve , Use of the word cool. COOL to me is like telling someone ” I don’t give a fuck”. How in the hell do you come back from that ? in chat rooms and dating apps if a guys answer to anything is “cool ” then Im usually turned off and dismiss from dating potential .. You just cant go anywhere from there for reals .


4th pet peeve.. K.. K shouldnt be the answer to any thing other then stating a fact or awaiting confirmation .  Example

on the way to your place ; k

on the way home can you pickup a burger from  mc; k

see what I mean , awaiting confirmation or stating a fact .

5th pet peeve .

when someone  Initiate s a conversation with you : Example , HE SENT me

Im at chipotle , what ya doing ;; my response ; relaxing at home watching tv.. then after that nothing .. * dont leave me hanging*  .. period .


One day if I text you dont be surprised if your walking out your house and see me sitting  outside chances are you pissed me off and im about to go mortal combat on you. And it just means I texted you and you didnt answer . Your fault.  Im weird like that .  Common courtesy goes along way .








askhole* yeah you . 85% of my friends ;-) love ya .

So we all have that one friend whos always coming to you for advice,  Then we gladly give it to them .. And of course that fucker goes and does the exact opposite of what you tell them to do .. I  mean think about it me as your friend will come back to you and answer with all complete honesty all you people know that the friend will value you and tell you the right thing to do . When you come to me im  a give ya my opinion but ill probably also pull out all the good stuff like , graphs, charts, reporst, hell even google analytics shit on ya .. So there for you know Im invested in your well being .

Dont come back at with the same problem over and over; Ill give you two phone calls on the same issue then were done .. example of what i mean ..



me -hi

friend- Whos that nice looking  girl on your fb leaving all them comments,

me – her name is (eva ) shes ok and hot but ,, crazy ! .


Two weeks later ;; same friend

me -hi

friend- hey i hooked up with that eva girl…* shes crazy

me-told ya so

****meanwhile* evas in car in front of my friends house in her car with baniculars  doing lord knows what.. See I told ya she was crazy …


Thats an askhole ….


another example,

me- you found your boyfriend deleting message s again , and he still doesnt appreciate you .. * didnt we have this conversation before * mmmmm


See caring is one thing but buy the thrid time that your coming at me with the same problem , Im just not gona care , dont be surprised if I  show up at your front door and go madea on you ..

When you ask for a friends advice if you already  know your gonna do the exact opposite then dont bother coming to me with the problem ! !!!..