Prince charming is really fucked up….I always get the good ones

So I just went out with a group of friends….Everything was fine.    Had a really nice time .But. I got home around 2it was an average night .. I get home fall asleep …the phone rings ..
Conversation was as follows …meanwhile im groggy and still half assed asleep ..
Me -where are you
Him- babe im at midtowne spa
Me -mmmmmm..your calling me to tell me this because ?
Him-I love you ..
Me-youve ignored my calls and text for three days.
Him-im fd up I need you
Me -what did you take ?
Him-extacy, ice coke and everything
Me -call a taxi

At this point im enraged ..and hang up on him….This is supposed to be someone im interested in and that I thought I waa getting to know ..

He rings me again

I answer

Him -I love i love you
****then he starts balling crying over the phone at this point I new he was really messed up ****
All im thinking is why me ! This has happened to me twice already. Same situation…DIFFERENT GUYS

So me being the good hearted man that I am …end up telling him .Ill pick you up at 4 am there i am in front of midtowne spa waiting …for my individual….he walks to the car bearly ….hes that messed up ..He even tries t o kiss me …
***mind you midtowne spa is a sex club *** so here it is 4 am now …I drove him from dallas to garland ….he did n othing but cry all the way home. …I just turned up the music the whole time …and he sat there apologizing to me blaming it on his mental illnes * same as the other one* im thinking really bitch your 29 & shou ld have self control….I got more and more enraged the last one I took care of him still afyer all this …this one I just dropped him off at home and called it a day ..

Now getting to why I wrote this …Why do I always attract men with issues .??

  Ive taken care of every single type of gay man with issues …The one who was a whore, the crackhead, the selfish insecure one , the asswhole who did nothing but workout to make himself look better,the asswhole because he had money and felt like he could treat everyone like he wNted because of his money , the vein one ..Every type ..Ive had them. AND Im dumn enough to have still ” stayed ” with them.

Why can’t I just meet a normal healthy mentally and spiritual person .
I always get the broken ones that need fixed .

I cant be the fixer anymore its getting to me. .

I know perfect amd normal doesnt exist but wow ..a boy can only take so much …And yes all these bitches I took care of in the end  didnt even thank me .We arent even friends ….single life sucks and dating is the pitts. ..but im still hopeful theres a descent person out there for me.

PRETEND !! I think not , Reality Bites im puting out again and everything isn’t like yesterday

So as you all know ive always shared everything with you guys , well anyone out there who’s reading this .
But heres an update on mylife ,, My year long wait is over , I hadn’t been putting out as you all know for a while now , yEAH I KNOW Hoping : famed mr right was out there somewhere . But that didn’t happen. I guess you can say I caved in to temptation or just lost hope , one or the other . I know im only a man , and men are never perfection . Perfection is obsulete.. Or well misrepresented. Well this story is rather graphic about my first account , and how all i felt was awkward . Yes thats what I said Awkward . not satisfied, just awkward .

I met this guy using grindr ..

I had gotten bored one night and redownloaded it . for those of you not in the loop of what it is grindr is a location based app, you download load a profile on it and upload a picture and a little brief ” ABOUT ME ” Section .. So yeah I had been on the app before , but evertime I meet someone off it , It would be a disaster… Grndr is a famous ” HOOKUP ” site, it takes away any human connection it’s usually people flashing nothing but their junk in your inbox . I spend half the night blocking and deleting peoples pics..Leads me to really believe that ” good ” honest caring men aren’t out there. I think im becoming more jaded as I get older .. But people always have proven it for me ..
but still keep the of there is someone out there for me either way

Well back to my story anywho , Meet this guy he seemed really cute, I messaged him which is something out of the ordinary for me . I usually always wait for anyone to initiate contact. …But I couldn’t resist it . He was so cute, YES not showing his picture.
for (names of thoses involved ) ” andrew” _my favorite white boy name.. WELL he seemed perfectly charming and classy , which is hard to find. We went to this nice restaurant Had an awesome conversation
and we seemed to really hit if off together, I felt like I was talking to my long lost bestfriend it was that instant , and those who have read my blog in the past know how gaurded and distant I can be. I know in the past I’ve lost good men that wanted to be with me because of my own selfish insecurities * ive pushed them away * . But I fell into his gaze instantly , I had never felt that before or in a long long time, with anyone. It felt so good . And I wanted to once just believe it.. So to cut a story short ..dinnee , no drinks we were actually sober, no alcohol .. somehow I allowed myself to end up at his place,” he said movies ” as we were supposedly driving to starbucks . But yeah , I don’t want to get to graphic with all the details but before I knew it , my dick was in his mouth it felt good but after when I got home I satup all night thinking ” alonso what did you do ” it just felt .awkward to me Ive never had that feeling after sex,.. We then finished our deed we hugged and kissed and I left. So we talked for several weeks and saw each other several times then after weeks of talking and surprisingly those next times we meet nothing happened sexually ,, we meet for dinner then more movies several times …. then till a bout a month after talking ” we meet again then I Went over and serviced him . duh orally . Oral is all we have done…still saving myself “sortof”
Everything was fine afterwards , bu then I noticed the changes in him .. he stopped talking to me less and less.. the usual ” im not into you signs” then one day I noticed this fucker blocked me on the app we meet .. So i assumed we were over, but he continued talking to me afterwards like nothing happened , I confronted him and he flat out lied to me and said he hadn’t , He even seemed more interested in me again .. thinking maybe he deleted it and wanted something more serious; But of course , Me and my fault finding skills never let up . so I deleted the app again reinstalled it again .. and low and behold I was right , he was there, on the app still active .but we madeup after the confrontation , and all seems Well..

Deep down . I already can feel like it’s going to have an end . Even though I offered to open things up and told him flat out that If we did do a relationship I didn’t mind an open one …. I didn’t think we were there , or anything for that matter anyways…* you know me , don’t believe in labels* just respect and honesty .. I get the ” i like you ” story for now . from him.

But Have you guys ever felt like if it feels like there is going to be an end why do you start something ???? Truth Is I know I know im ignorant and probably know my answer ,but it seems that we want what we can’t have . Or a part of me is just wanting to keep the hope alive. But DONT WANT pretend.. Im all about honesty .. If you wanna be with me then tell me everyhthing . If you are only wanting to fuck me then tell me right off the back . If you are wanting to screw around with others Im fine , just dont play head games.. Why is that so hard for men to understand ???

so eitherway answer to my problem lies in grindr , Back to the grind I say its a like a addiction but in a way it’s also the solution.. iN THE Midst of all this , I started talking to another whom Im hopefully meeting this weekend. He seems really put together. ( i cant put all my eggs in one baskeT ) and dont know if the other one is just confused or unsure of what he really wants but well see how things go with the new friend. OTHER one for now is there but at a distance. 😉 , always shaking it off and moving forward . .letting go is something Ive learned to do very fast ,,,just like my girl taylor sais ” shake it off ” lol right
I still pray that my mr right is out there .
anyways tips and comments good bad whatevers appreciated


textually active * activate my last nerve.




why is it always that the people that piss you off the most are the people you actually want to talk to like your crush , or that guy your seeing .


OK so I never initiate this kinda of text but a couple of days go I’m like

<hey guy wanna do some Skype.

and yes my text was ignored, NOT cool … I didn’t get aresponse for another 2 freaking . days .. and all he was was like .Oh i was I was tired  and im thinking in the back of my head  <what , three finger punches dude NO(SEND) would’ve  been all I needed and been fine with it .  And well It just means this moron had better options and I’m nobodys option b..I’m either your option A or we no option at all .

2nd pet peeve , FB FRIENDS… you see them update their status and there all like  “WATCHING ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK ON NETFLIX , OMG LOVE THIS SHOW”  you message them on their phone  (because your friends and your cool like that )  unlike their other 80 billion Facebook friends.  and then 3 hours go buy and absolutely nothing .. not a response at all .  I’m like really ,, doesn’t take that long of a courtesy to say ,, something like busy , brb.. or respond;; cant talk right now brb … BRB something short in response would be nice instead of leaving me hanging . With no response at all .. and then i’m left sitting at home all pissed and like ” I hate orange is the new black ” night ruined; that’d be FACEBOOK status update after something like that . LOL


3rd pet peeve , Use of the word cool. COOL to me is like telling someone ” I don’t give a fuck”. How in the hell do you come back from that ? in chat rooms and dating apps if a guys answer to anything is “cool ” then Im usually turned off and dismiss from dating potential .. You just cant go anywhere from there for reals .


4th pet peeve.. K.. K shouldnt be the answer to any thing other then stating a fact or awaiting confirmation .  Example

on the way to your place ; k

on the way home can you pickup a burger from  mc; k

see what I mean , awaiting confirmation or stating a fact .

5th pet peeve .

when someone  Initiate s a conversation with you : Example , HE SENT me

Im at chipotle , what ya doing ;; my response ; relaxing at home watching tv.. then after that nothing .. * dont leave me hanging*  .. period .


One day if I text you dont be surprised if your walking out your house and see me sitting  outside chances are you pissed me off and im about to go mortal combat on you. And it just means I texted you and you didnt answer . Your fault.  Im weird like that .  Common courtesy goes along way .








askhole* yeah you . 85% of my friends ;-) love ya .

So we all have that one friend whos always coming to you for advice,  Then we gladly give it to them .. And of course that fucker goes and does the exact opposite of what you tell them to do .. I  mean think about it me as your friend will come back to you and answer with all complete honesty all you people know that the friend will value you and tell you the right thing to do . When you come to me im  a give ya my opinion but ill probably also pull out all the good stuff like , graphs, charts, reporst, hell even google analytics shit on ya .. So there for you know Im invested in your well being .

Dont come back at with the same problem over and over; Ill give you two phone calls on the same issue then were done .. example of what i mean ..



me -hi

friend- Whos that nice looking  girl on your fb leaving all them comments,

me – her name is (eva ) shes ok and hot but ,, crazy ! .


Two weeks later ;; same friend

me -hi

friend- hey i hooked up with that eva girl…* shes crazy

me-told ya so

****meanwhile* evas in car in front of my friends house in her car with baniculars  doing lord knows what.. See I told ya she was crazy …


Thats an askhole ….


another example,

me- you found your boyfriend deleting message s again , and he still doesnt appreciate you .. * didnt we have this conversation before * mmmmm


See caring is one thing but buy the thrid time that your coming at me with the same problem , Im just not gona care , dont be surprised if I  show up at your front door and go madea on you ..

When you ask for a friends advice if you already  know your gonna do the exact opposite then dont bother coming to me with the problem ! !!!..

They are just children…


The issue has been hot in the news lately and It just breaks my heart when I read the nasty comments that some people have left behind on the issue. Yes it probably shouldn’t be our issue but in the end if you can help a child why would you turn your back on a poor defenseless little child. These parents that  sent them here aren’t evil .. They sent them here with the hopes of better future. We can’t judge them harshly for this . We aren’t in the same situation as they are . I don’t see how parents are doing this. It takes alot of need and courage to send your child away alone.  I may not have a kid but I have dogs and I can’t even imagine them getting lost out there alone. These kids are lost alone, scared,hungry and im sure trusting those coyotes that don’t care about anything but themselves and the money they bring in .

A solace disregard for these children wont do anything . Why are we not doing anything about this ? all i hear Is our homeless. our vets our problem.  Love and help out as much as you can people . If you can help help in anyway. I volunteer at  a nursing home and also a childrens cancer center.

Im not better for this , Im just doing my little part.

Why cant you ?


Augustine.. the french connection ,hiv & the social stigma

It was the summer of 1999.. I was 18 fresh out of high school, ready for college . I had the privellage of getting to go on a summer abroad program and live in Paris, France .It was the best experience of my life,& one thatl never forget .. When I turn 80 & im old and wrinkled Il always have a tale or two tell about that summer in Paris .

The reason im writing about it was because im slightly confused.Why out if the blue after 10 years somebody from that trip would write to me is unbelievable to me .Facebook brings out the past and reveals everything .

His name is. Augustine. I was 18 at the time he was 28 at the time . We met on bastille day on the seine river .. I was at one ofthe partys celebrating bastille day .. He just came up to me while I was dancing with a group of friends and it all went from there .. We danced all night until morning then headed for breakfeast …I thought I wouldnt see him again ever after that … He then surprised me the same day he waited for me at my school at the sorbonne with a rose in hand …I melted . As he leaned to present ibsaid jokingly “what are you doing” and all he replied “making sure you know the real paris ” ..From that day we saw each other every day ..He showef me many things around Paris that I know I wouldnt. Have seen otherwise ..I got to meet and have dinner with him and his family ..increidible amazing people. . When you meet a group of people have you guys ever felt a connection like you knew them already somehow ?  …

We kept on on dating and seeing each other..week after week we got closer to each other .But there was something weird about us three weeks and nothing more then a pec on the cheek..I kept wondering in the back of my head why this guy wouldnt move onto anything else … with me ..

Well finally in a cab ride home to my dorm .I finally asked him why .. I remember all he did is look and down ..ignored the question ..Then he was quite for the rest of the night . On that same cab ride before I got out of the car he finally leans in for the kiss. It was beautiful .. he then stoped me as proceeded to try go further with him, he sprung it on me .”im hiv positive “. I remember I just looked at him and said ok .. I have condoms & dont care about your status…lol yes while in the cab still lol…we got outa the cab and continued kissing ..its paris you can get away with anything… I dont know why but he insisted on stoping.. After that I just said ok and kissed him goodnight. And told him ” ill see you tomorrow” 

The next day I called him over and over and got no response..ill never understand why … Im not one to be judgemental never have been never will be ..I myself as being hiv negative dont see those that are hiv positive or the fact those that have any std as not dateable …its all about being educated and knowing ways to protect yourself. I see good in everyone and give everyone a chance .. Just wish augustine would have answered …Dont know if it was fear of me rejecting him and not accepting that made him not answer the calls I made after his reveal to me.But I wish he had answered.

To all the people out there suffering with any std There is hope .. good people our out there and for the negative status people dont judge ..until you know all the facts ..Educate and protect yourself ..

As for Augustine I did replty and he said he would be in dallas and wanted to meetup Even now once again I didnt get a reply ..and think my friend request on fb was ignored ;-(  Guess ill never know what his hesitation is.  Men .

Sit on your front porch !

So its tuesday night … here I sit alone , again..nothing but the noises of my dogs play fighting . Today was trying I feel stressed overworked .. generally unsatisfied but thankful..


View from my front porch …


Thats me ..tired sunburned and peeling

My day started off with a usual routine I got up, showered got dressed loaded my bike into the car and , went to work like most normal people . Other than my normal the only thing I did was have lunch with my friend Lucy at royal chopstix .


.its become a weekly ritual for me ..and yes I always order the same thing ..  orange chicken and steamed rice.

After my long what felt eternal shift I went out and did a few miles on my favorite trail ..then I came home ..

Stressed and alone I just put chicken in the oven to bake …so I then made a mimosa ..andre, mangoes and oj … love them
Im now here sitting on my porch

I dont know why but I began to think about my future and the things im thankful for …
Thoughts came pouring in …


    *above is screenshot from google earth view of my house *back home …

1St what I want is a house ..owning land and establishing yourself on this earth is something we all want ..I dont want a mansion or a big fancy house. Im a simple person and have learned , that things dont hold value and they dont make your life..I want maybe a three bedroom house , not to big or to small just right .. like the house I grew up in .. a house with a big back yard for my dogies to grow old and play around on ..a nice big kitchen .. with an island !   I love cooking ..when I picture my future I picture myself entertaining my friends and family I LOVE COOKING .. To me making a satisfying meal that I created for someone and watching them enjoy it is amazing to me …next … a big front porch with a rocking swing .   Thatl be where hopefully me and my future husband will watch many sunsets together , enjoying our mimosas of course … Finally last request would be a big garage … one that we would fill with our bikes, camping gear, kayaks everything else ! My future husband who is stiil out there must love nature like me …

2Nd I want kids .. I wanna be able to if not adopt or do a suragate mom or some thing..I want a family unit..If its aboy I want to be able to show him to throw a ball or how punch ! Jaja .. if its a girl of course shed be spoiled ..with many many priness tea partys and everything in between.ive gone also looking for other single gay dads …figured thats the easy route. ..and plus I want stability ..

I want. My  house to be made into a home ..a home filled with love and many memories …

Im thankful for ..

Geting the oportunity to move to texas I have the careerI want and love my job … of course there are those other days.Moving to texas was one of the best things ever for me ..I learned to grow up .. of course i miss my family I miss seing my nieces and nephews grow up ..but im thankful when I do see them …when I moved in 2005 I was a different person ..I used to think there wasnt a god .. and cared nothing more then about myself I see light , im happy.. My relationship with god is stronger then ever now Ive now changed amd love life now know that im not meant to just party .. I want quite movie nights and bingo nights with friends .. funny how things change..

2Nd im thankful for my relationship that once was .. with edmundo It was a good 5 yrs ..I learned a lot about myself and how strong I am .. although we lost each other ..Im glad it happened .. now I will wait for my next love …hopefully the last in my life ..I may not have a partner now and want nothing more then to be in love but I want things to happen naturally.. ill sit here waiting for him..I know hes out there .

In terms of my future ..I m not sure about it  but nothings ever writen in stone and the future can always be changed…

im single by choice :-)



I ve been asked this question alot lately , All my friends are always , like your such a good guy with a good heart ! ,  & please stop setting me up . seriously …. Why are you Single .

So heres your answer. Im  single for many reasons .


1.   Single becuase my gaurd is up, I can spot a flake a mile away and wont give into just anything .


2. MY  Expectations are high .  I want some one who is , HAPPY , has their life together .  happy emotionally , physically and spiritually … what you see in public isnt the reality of what is behind closed doors.

3.  Dont want to get hurt again . as you  can see from my many posts all my dating experiences with other men have not gone so well ..

I still keep at it and hope that hes out there .. Mr Right .. H e exists somewhere .

4. baggage.  They say the past makes the future but then their are those that hold on the past and cant move on from it . some people  just

cant let go . I always get the gay guys that have alot of baggage and issues .

5. I refuse to just dive into thing s right away . I want someone who will be friends with me and get to know each other from the beginning ive always believed that a good relationship starts with a good friendship .  and a part of the diving in part , would be my last date .. example ;; I went out with this guy only spoke with him two times over the phone went out with him twice; the second date with in a  week of talking to me he sais , I love you . i Was stunned, I would never allow myself to fall that quick for anyone .. need less to say  my response to his I LOVE YOU  was , ” oh look pizzas here ” I LOVE PIZZA. yeah .. of course i quit talking to him after that one .. just cant dive into abyss without knowing you .

6. People dont value relationship .. A relationship is work , You have to devote time and patience and energy to that person . some times it can be overwhelming. If its overwhelming then why would i want to be with you?


That is why I choose to remain to single; , I refuse to give in . but I do know one day that everything will fall into placeand that he is out there for me .

So I continue my search and kiss frogs hoping my prince will show up one day .




maybe i like this roller coaster life ….


So lately my life has been like a roller coaster …. One minute im up next minute im down . looking at a screaming hill …..thats what it s like right , Im beginning to wonder if im stressed or just getting depressed again. Havent had those feelings again since high school .. its just like a hill that keeps going further down and down . but it spikes and turns up all of the sudden… life has always been this way . ive learned to deal with all of the ups and downs. .

At any turn or second i can drop at the thought of the emotions…. im sick with love and full of emotions . love the view from the top of the mountain of the rollercoaste r but hate when everything falls …..thats what it fel t like when i was with you .. U bought  me to life and held me high above the mountain . … Its like u were the thing that mattered to me the most . being on the mountain .

Run as Fast as you can …


Weve all been in those relationships that just werent meant to be , I ve learned alot in my past relationships and now have concurrent evidence , If You a wonderful self loving respecting human beings  sees any of the following please Run ! Dont be stupid and stay . thinking it itll work it out self . Relationships no matter how fucked up run a course of there own taking us through many winding unnessary turns that could have been stopped long before we turned.  !!! ..this is just not taken from one of my relationship s … This is what I have learned from my long list that goes on and on through out my dating games. and through my gentlemen callers.  ….  but ill do the top ten …….signs That should have you running for the hills……in otherwords  as they say cut the cord ——>>>>>>

1.. if he sais ” I LOVE YOU ” within the first 1 week of dating . Run .. Youre gonna have major issues later along the lines. … I mean really unless that person has self loathing issues then why else would it be so easy for them to be spouting ” I LOVE YOU ” .. WITHIN a WEEK !!!! . no references intended ! and yes u know who u are if you re reading this .

2. He uses pot , unless you can deal with the after math , really if you need him in an emergency situation is he going to be able to walk to you to help you get or be to fd up that he cant event walk to youre rescue , its prolly not going to work .call it survival reasons .

3 . He keeps in contact with any of his ex’s … There called x’s for a reason . if it wasn’t meant to be in the first place then you shouldn’t be in contact with any of your’e no matter what , whether its ” oh were trying to be friends ” oh yeah right whatever .. we’ve all heard that one .before.. * fuck buddy comes to mind ,AT Least in my past self experiences anyways . yeah Im a blunt person . …**** ..

.4.  He drinks…. drinking is ok but in small controlled quantities………

If you ‘ve had to hold youre mans head up a whole night after going club , while he spits up his insides on you  its just not love trust me on this . .. Its just not going to work … many reasons. behind this one . hygene , etc.


yEAH , iF HE/she constantly , talks about his /her past experiences . Its not going to work  . means there either just plain whores , and not satisfied fully with you . Why else would they spout that kinda talk in front of you . Really . Think about this one . long and deep . Do you love yourself ?


Cell phones hold all you need to know , I f a person won’t unlock there cell phone for any reason . ITs becuase they are hiding shit , really dont get youre panties in a twist over this one .. trust me they have a lock code for a reason , (you) …. and that whole placing phones face down . and answering in any other is  a red flag ! … for reals . i always keep mine unlocked because well  I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE. if im fucking someone else ill tell you all about it.

7.bipolar … def of bipolar . someone who will fuck up youre day… yeah .. reading a persons text messages is an indicator  … like one minute … oh “””im happy”  next  “i love you “” im gonna killyoure dogies” … to oh “im sorry i wanna be with you forever ” yeah thats bipolar … …

8. he wears womans underclothes, I believe its  called a fetish .. but fetishes only imply during sex. ? am I right or wrong ?????? if he wears them all day ,,, its not normal . I know in my list of gentlemen callers I ‘ve encountered alot of real freaks . for reals ….lol

9. paraphrasing of movie quotes, brought into real life …. for example >>>>>>>

Devil Wears Prada scene where the main lead is told ” please take your time you know how i love it when move at a glacial pace …. it just thrils me”   .

YEAH to me its just not cute, ….and it gets annoying after  a while >>.its cute at the beginning but just dont do it , its fd up . for reals .

10… ve had doubts of your own .. if you have ever questioned you wanted this ,and wondered like an idiot ” is this really it for me ” . then yes its not going to work out . … you re answer lies in your e question.

those are my reasons for running. if it was you .,  ” IT JUST DIDNT WORK OUT

” AS swift put it , we are never getting back together again .